Do You Need Civil Engineer Safety?

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Civil Engineer Safety

Civil engineers are among the most critical personnel at any construction site, and they must remain safe from the hazards that accompany their job. Without the guarantee of safety, it will be tough for them to do their jobs properly and to the best of their ability. Civil engineering safety is also crucial to keep your worksite OSHA-compliant. Among the hazards, highlighted by the civil air patrol safety and civil aviation safety authority, that you must be careful to protect your civil engineers from include:

Falling from heights

In 2015/2016, the Health and Safety Executive determined that falls from heights account for a quarter of all fatalities on construction sites. To avoid this kind of catastrophe, all employees, including engineers, must receive on-site training on how to work with and install heavy equipment on varying surfaces, and how to work safely on ladders, scaffolding and roofs. They must also have the protocol on how to handle emergencies.  

As an employer, you must avoid having engineers working at high heights; if it is unavoidable, assess all risks that accompany working from a significant height and devise a plan to ensure that work is carried out safely. You can also have a safety net installed underneath the work zone to minimize the impact of a possible fall.

Moving Objects

Often, civil engineers are at risk of being hit by oncoming forklifts, excavators, backhoes, cranes, and other forms of moving equipment. All civil engineers must remain vigilant of their surroundings and wear reflective jackets to improve their visibility and improve overall safety in civil construction.

Falls and Slips

Construction sites are among the most dangerous sites when it comes to falls. Your engineers can easily trip over some steel wires or slip on wet tiles or ice then fall on hard concrete or other harmful items. Such falls can be avoided by having designated walking areas and keeping clutter and obstacles away from stairwells. To minimize the impact of a fall, the engineers must always wear helmets, as well as boots, to enhance grip on the floors.


Construction is generally a noisy affair, with all the chipping, heavy equipment moving around and yelling. Noise is another severe hazard that can make your engineers gradually go deaf and cause a great deal of discomfort, such as stress and headaches. Even worse, they can easily become distracted, leading to poor decision making and subsequent issues with the structure. Appropriate PPE should reduce the level of noise your engineering staff is exposed to.

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Collapsing Trenches

Another common occurrence on construction sites is the collapsing of trenches, which may happen with your engineers and other staff still inside. Buildings that are also being built or demolished can also collapse suddenly and cause serious injury. All trenches on such sites must always remain secure with the right kind of support. Also, have the engineers inspect the trenches before and during every work shift.

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According to the HSE, over 1000 electrical incidents are reported every year, with most of them coming from contact with overhead or underground live wires or machinery and equipment. If there is any welding work happening at the construction site, the risk of electrocution is exceedingly high, and is also a major cause of falls.  

Without civil engineers, the marvelous piece of architecture you have in mind for your business would never become a reality. Civil engineers are also valuable personnel in aviation, where they oversee the expansion of airports and coordinate all construction and refurbishment with federal and state authorities. To meet the requirements of the civil aviation safety authority and the civil air patrol safety as far as usability of airports is concerned, all civil engineers working in airports must also have all the resources they need to avoid the risks indicated above.

Regardless of the industry you are in, you may require civil engineering expertise for your business, as civil engineers are the people you call for all things building, and structure related. To provide them with an optimal working environment, you must take extra steps to ensure civil engineer safety.

At Safe T Professionals, we possess the expertise and resources you need to make civil engineering safety a reality for your business. Our safety consultants have years of experience and will not only advise you on the best ways to provide safety for your civil engineers, but also train them on what they can do to remain safe at construction sites. We also provide access to trained and certified professionals to clients advertising civil aviation safety inspector jobs.