Do You Need A Job Safety Analysis?

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Job Safety Analysis

Safe T Professionals is committed to using the approved tools to identify and mitigate all safety risks in organizations. Unlike some environmental, health, and safety firms, we avoid guesswork by performing an in-depth job safety analysis.
Our safety analysts are trained to review jobs in different facilities and identify the potential dangers accurately and remedy them following the standard industry requirements. Given that our company is OSHA certified, we can conduct a professional job hazard analysis irrespective of the nature of your safety concerns.  

Since one of our core values is excellence, our job hazard specialists perform the analysis on specific tasks. We know that some firms do the same on departments, and we have the full capacity to do the same. However, we focus on specific tasks to do these:

Relate Important Factors

Since the goal of the evaluation is to consider the relationship that exists among the workplace environment, the workers, the tools, and the task carefully to find the best safety solution, we focus on specific tasks. This method guarantees that we achieve what we set out to do.

Design Practical Solutions

Another reason Safe T Professionals performs safety analysis on particular jobs or tasks is to create solutions that anyone can implement and improve the safety of the work environment.
Since choosing tasks alone does not guarantee us our targeted level of success, we perform the task analysis by following a series of 4 credible steps. Find these steps below.

Our Simple Task Safety Assessment Steps

Step 1: Select Specific Tasks

We can perform a detailed task analysis for your company within a short time. As we have noted, we start by selecting specific jobs and conducting the review on them. Our trained experts carefully analyze each of them by assessing their respective surrounding work environment, whether they are routine jobs or not.  

We use four parameters to decide where to begin and end. Find them below to understand this process in detail.

Frequency and Severity of Accidents: We always start with tasks that have a history of causing injuries and exposing workers to risk.

New Jobs: Since the workers are not accustomed to your newly created jobs, they are likely to present a significant degree of risk. We often focus on them after solving the problems that have always posed the highest degree of risk.

Potential for Costly Risks: We also prioritize tasks that involve dangerous materials or workplaces that appear hazardous. 

Infrequently Performed Tasks: Jobs that workers perform rarely can pose the same risks as the newly established ones. We ensure we analyze them thoroughly as well. 

As such, we start the analysis by conducting the OSHA job safety analysis for the tasks with the highest frequency or the most severe of injuries. At the same time, we prioritize the jobs with the highest potential of risk. 

For example, in case of job safety analysis in construction, we often start with tasks that involve fall protection. They present the most considerable amount of risk. We then consider the rest in the best way possible. 

Once we have completed this hazard analysis step, we make the findings accessible to workers. They get the opportunity to review the work that is going on and leave any feedback that they see fit.

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Step 2: Break the Operation into specific sequence

We consequently break the job into a more specific sequence of small tasks. This way, we can plan well by listing the steps that we want to follow from the beginning to the end. 

For example, when conducting a job safety analysis for electrical work, we may start by preparing for the job and then turning off the main switch of the machine. After that, we perform the analysis as required and complete by conducting the necessary clean up. 

Safe T Professionals recognize that breaking the job into more specific tasks this way is highly tedious. However, given that it is critical for the successful evaluation of the task, we implement it religiously.
We follow a few basic rules to identify and solve the safety issues:

Limit Number of Tasks: We ensure that each job has a maximum of 10 individual tasks. If we notice that any of them exceeds this, we have to divide it into two or more separate tasks. 

Maintain the Appropriate Sequence: We handle the task in the same order as the workers do. This way, we increase the chances of addressing all the risks.

Use Direct Observation: To breakdown jobs, we rely on direct observation. The experienced project or safety manager must be present to record the series of the tasks. Once the process is complete, we ask other participants to review the findings and confirm that we have identified all the required steps.

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Step 3: Determine the Potential Hazards

We identify the potential hazards when the participants still have a clear picture of the sequence as well as the potential risks and dangers. As such, we embark on this third step shortly after completing the observation process.  

To be able to assess the relevant potential hazards in full, Safe T Professionals use questions that are designed for that purpose. The main ones include:

These are just three questions, and, therefore, not enough to address all the underlying safety issues in many workplaces. We always create new assessment questions that address the unique needs of our esteemed customers.

For the success of the assessment process, we ask your employees who are involved in the process to provide insightful input and explore every potential outcome of the process.

Once we are satisfied that we have identified all the potential hazards, we move on to the next step of putting proper controls in place.

Step 4: Identify the appropriate solutions

At the final stage, we identify useful measures that the business should take to prevent or reduce the severity or frequency of the accidents. When you are convinced that there are no perfect solutions to a particular safety issue, we recommend using the appropriate personal protective equipment.  

After putting in place the ideal procedures and documenting the personal protective equipment, we carry out another hazard assessment to establish the number of risks that still need to be taken care of to guarantee the safety of the workers.

We use several strategies after the final evaluation, depending on the outcome of the assessment. See them below. We have listed them in the order of priority.

Eradicate the Hazard: Depending on the nature of your work, we can recommend that you come up with new processes, modify your present processes, or use safe substances. We can also suggest/require that you modify your equipment or the workplace environment.  

Contain the Hazard: You can use numerous measures to prevent your proximity or contact with the hazards if there are no other practical solutions.

Revise Work Procedures: Where possible, we help you to eliminate the hazardous tasks. In some cases, we recommend that you change the sequence of the tasks. We can also require that you add more steps that are necessary to increase safety. 

Reduce Exposure to Hazards: This is where personal protective equipment comes. Moreover, you may need to equip some of your staff with the skills for performing first aid for injuries and other forms of illness. 

By conducting job safety analysis OSHA this way, Safe T Professionals has been able to reduce and eliminate hazards in many companies across the world. Despite the risk prevention measures that we have listed above appearing in the order of priority, we still believe that hazard elimination is the most effective way of enhancing job safety.

How safety professionals helps build stronger safety culture

Once we have completed the 4 job hazard analysis steps, we help our clients to create a strong safety culture. Without the full involvement of all stakeholders in an organization, the crucial steps may not deliver the desired results.
Safe T Professionals puts a lot of emphasis on this issue of strengthening the safety culture. We do the following:

Engage the workers

Once we have completed the analysis, we unveil the final evaluation and protocols to the workers. By doing this, we keep them updated regarding the hazards that are associated with the jobs that they do. Besides, this measure ensures they are aware of the ideal preventive measures that can help them stay safe. Since we also involve them during the analysis stage, they are highly likely to embrace the recommendations and help to improve safety at the workplace.

Support Employers

Our specialists help our clients to archive and reference the findings whenever they are making company policies. When workers see that their employers are committed to the implementation of the solutions, they sense the need to value them more.  

This way, employers are able to protect themselves from liability in case an accident happens, but it also reduces the chances of an unfortunate occurrence in the first place.