Do You Need A Nuclear Safety Consultant?

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Nuclear Safety

At Safe T Professionals, all our employees have a responsibility for safety. Our nuclear safety division specializes in managing risks and performance. However, since we know that all of us have a role to play towards creating a safe environment, we have tasked each of our employees with safety responsibility. They make sure that none of us do anything that can potentially expose our staff, the public or our clients and associates to radioactive danger. 

We believe that everybody should give safety an overriding priority. As a leading environmental health and safety staffing augmentation company in the United States, safety is our essential corporate value to protect as many people as possible. We ensure our clients get the perfect mix of expertise and experience by training a large team of nuclear specialists that can conduct an in-depth nuclear safety inspection and give you the best service.

Our nuclear security professionals cover the following critical areas at a minimum:

With the constant changes in technology and the emergence of new threats, we are investing a lot of our resources in developing and preserving the right nuclear knowledge in conjunction with the relevant international and national nuclear authorities. 

This way, we are able to uphold our safety principle and protect lives in the US and throughout the world. Moreover, since Safe T Professionals operate in several select countries around the globe, we have a more significant opportunity to instill the same value in numerous locations worldwide.

Employment, We Help You Get The Job.

We recruit safety employees of all levels from entry level to certified safety professionals. We have new safety jobs to fill everyday. So, don't hesitate to apply today.

Our professional specialists and technicians

Here, we equip our employees with the right skills to promote the safety of everyone. We also create many other viable career growth opportunities.

Career Progression at Safe T Professionals

Safe T Professionals believes that any person who is working in the nuclear industry can become a nuclear professional. Their present employment level is not a determinant of the future of their career. Just as a nuclear safety technician can become a nuclear safety inspector, our employees in other categories can qualify as professionals and help other people to say safe from nuclear threats.

Before they are eligible for the promotion, we equip them with the required skills to perform their nuclear safety jobs effectively. Our experts offer specialist education and training that they need to achieve their career goals.

Other than the relevant role-specific technical skills, we equip our professionals with the ability to demonstrate an exceptional understanding and competencies to manage the risks that are associated with their day-to-day work. Our professionals demonstrate a high degree of personal commitment to make the best use of their acquired skills and knowledge effectively at the workplace.

Employers Responsibility

We started by pointing out the specific responsibility of our employees, but they cannot achieve their objectives without the support of employers. We put a lot of effort in promoting the need for employers to play that part as required to guarantee the security of everyone and the environment. 

Safe T Professionals is fully aware that the core responsibility for professional conduct rests with our experts. However, it is not lost on us that the support of employers has a direct positive in the process of developing and maintaining nuclear professionalism.

Continuing Professional Development

Safe T Professionals collaborates with professional bodies to safeguard the interest of its staff and clients. We encourage our experts to report their professional status to accredited institutions. By being able to build and maintain this, they boost their professional credibility.

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Setting the standard

The efforts of Safe T Professionals reveal that we are setting standards in the industry. We have already set out the exact requirements that are specific to this sector. As such, it is now possible to assess and report nuclear professionalism against an accredited standard that we have designed to promote the success of the profession.

Nuclear Safety Agencies

We work closely with several international and national agencies to ensure we are able to benchmark with the most successful nuclear professionals and deliver the desired results. Here are the top agencies that are working closely with us:

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International atomic energy agency

We appreciate the impact of the International Atomic Energy Agency in promoting the use of safe and secure nuclear technology. This international nuclear and industrial safety agency has the mandate to police all nuclear power plants across the world. It has achieved a significant amount of success. However, the popular 2011 nuclear accidents that happened in Japan influenced some professionals in the industry to suggest it lacked the ability to execute its oversight rule.

Established in 1994, the international agency has worked hard to achieve its global objectives. Some of the ways it has always sought to ensure safety for nuclear power plants worldwide are:

Due to the accident, the Vienna Declaration improved the agency’s mandate in 2014. The changes mean the agency can help us to achieve our objectives with greater ease. Today, we are abiding by the new principles that guide the operations of this international governing body. Here are the top principles that we bring into sustaining nuclear safety:

Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Another agency that oversees and regulates is the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This national agency helps us deliver nuclear power safety by ensuring efficient nuclear knowledge management.

The commission builds, collects, transfers, shares, preserves, maintains and uses nuclear knowledge to develop and keep the required technical expertise. It works together with Safe T Professionals and other credible nuclear energy safety companies to preserve the right nuclear understanding. However, that is not all. 

The following are the essential activities that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission engages in to help us create a team of experts with the highest degree of expertise and competence.

Promote Use of Safe Nuclear Technologies: Due to the agency’s support, we are able to reduce the knowledge gap that limits the ability of experts or employers to make safe decisions. Our professionals currently have all the information they need on the ideal knowledge management methods, which we share with others to help them establish and manage all the processes that ensure everyone is safe from the adverse effects of nuclear power. 

Secure Human Resources: The authoritative body contributes to the unmatched competence of our human resources to get up-to-date training on all nuclear applications. The emerging trends in energy production, food agriculture and cancer treatment require a growing knowledge base of specialists in nuclear power as well as non-power applications.
For our company to be able to offer you the most service, we heavily rely on education, training and knowledge transfer to be able to build the required capacity at the present time.  

Develop Systems for Managing Nuclear Programs: Safe T Professionals fully recognizes the significance of the management of nuclear knowledge and uses the developed systems for support experts that are involved in the implementation of the appropriate programs. The agency has designed plenty of guidance documents that walk experts through the entire journey of enhancing safety. 

Moreover, it provides networking opportunities to give everyone the opportunity to embrace the use of state-of-the-art nuclear technologies.

The occupational Safety and health administration (OSHA)

Safe T Professionals is also working with OSHA to help entities that are planning to build nuclear power plants. However, we are fully aware that its jurisdiction is limited to two matters. 

The administration enhances nuclear power plant safety by paying particular attention to non-radiological health matters. Besides, it regulates the safety of employees in the workplace in regard to their rights that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission does not control.

Other Agencies

Several other national agencies ensure the safety of nuclear power. We also have a strong presence in several select countries across the world. Since one of the requirements for certification to deliver our services in foreign lands is to get the approval of the local agencies, we collaborate with many other national and international agencies to protect people and the environment from radiations and the hazardous wastes.

We are committed to protecting our employees, clients, and everyone else from the adverse impact of nuclear power. However, we are pleased that we have both international and national professional bodies on our side. Through their involvement, we have gotten many credible professional organizations to partnerswith and share incredible nuclear plant safety knowledge.

The Future of Nuclear Power

Price of electricity

Our analysis of the future of nuclear power in the world indicates that many people will start considering nuclear fire safety jobs. The future of increased adoption of nuclear power across the world depends on many factors. 

The projected increase in the demand of electricity by 2040 is 28%. This increases the chances that everyone will soon start demanding a better alternative. We have always seen an increase in demand lead to an increase in the cost of the respective commodity.

Unstable Oil & Gas Prices

We also consider that the unstable oil and gas prices are something that consumers do not cherish. Currently, the prevailing global climate has led to the reduction in the number of unhappy consumers. However, that is likely a temporary measure given that global warming still concerns the majority of consumers. Safe T Professionals has relied on these facts to make an informed decision on the nature of services it is preparing to start offering in the future.


Our professionals consider the favorable bills that legislature has enacted. We believe that the Energy Policy Act of 2005 that provides incentives for the construction of safe and useful nuclear power plants empowers investors to put their money in the nuclear sector. 

The increased number of companies that applied for the license since 2007, barely two years after the law was enacted, confirms what we believe, that the world requires our services to survive as more nuclear facilities are constructed. 

From this time to date, we have seen companies apply for at least 24 licenses to be able to construct new nuclear reactors. Presently, Westinghouse is in the process of building four new nuclear plants. It is creating two of them in Georgia and two in South Carolina.

Building new nuclear plants

We have also observed that during the last two years, four old nuclear power plants closed. The high cost of modernizing these plants forced many people to go back to natural gas. The cost of refurbishing the traditional coal-fired plants is also relatively cheaper. This development shows that we need to support the building of new nuclear plants because of unstable of fuel costs.

Since the future of building more new nuclear power plants in the US and other parts of the world depends heavily on natural gas price, Safe T Professionals forecasts that greater focus will turn to expand nuclear power if the cost of natural gas continues to rise. Given the prevailing climate, the price may shoot up. This is the reason you need us to continue creating the ideal nuclear safety systems.

The present number of nuclear power stations in the US

In this country, we have 99 operational nuclear power plants. They are located in 30 states across the United States, and each of them generates between USD 40 billion and 50 billion per year. 

These nuclear power stations create more than 100,000 job opportunities. We have noted that when a reactor spends one dollar, it generates about two for the economy, which helps to create many other jobs indirectly. Without a doubt, this shows you why nuclear facilities in the US and many other countries need our service. We consider that these figures show that nuclear energy is a significant contributor to the success of the US economy, and the trend is set to continue for an extended period given that predicted trends influence our decisions. 

We also rely on the 36 test reactors that are found in the core research universities to conduct essential experiments. Here, scientists’ study different subatomic particles, including neurons, to discover how to guarantee our clients’ nuclear reactor safety. We use them to be able to assess the essential automotive and medical components that are essential for the development of advanced cancer treatment methods.

The main risks that safe t professionals prevent

Safe T Professionals is in the business of protecting employers, their clients, the environment and other stakeholders from the negative effect of radioactive elements. From the above explanation, it is evident that the world needs nuclear power and the demand is likely to skyrocket in a few months or years. What then is our main concern? 

Here are the two main risks that we are working hard to mitigate:

Deadly nuclear disasters

A small accident at a nuclear plant can lead to the release of radioactive materials into the environment, which can lead to untold human suffering. When humans or animals ingest the unstable atoms that give off excess energy, they begin to destroy the living cells. In other cases, the radiation can cause cell mutation, severe health complications and death.

Some people tell us that the chances of such occurrences are rare. While that is true, the Chernobyl, Fukushima and Three Mile Island incidents tell us that it is better to take a preventative approach. If nuclear melts down, the outcome is catastrophic, and only a well-trained nuclear criticality safety engineer can help to avoid that.

Nuclear Waste Disposal

This poses a real danger to the world, as employees are highly likely to interact with the unsafe materials at the workplace.

The high-level waste is the deadliest. Spent fuel falls under this category, and the main problem is that it takes several thousands of years to neutralize them. Currently, some of these sit near idle reactors in different communities across the world. They are likely to poison oceans, rivers and lakes.

As you can see, employers that care about their health and that of the present and future generation have a reason to hire nuclear power safety experts. That is the work that we specialize in and are ready to do. 

Safe T Professionals helps companies in the US and in foreign lands because our nuclear experts are committed to leaving the Earth as a better place than when we got here.